If you have pain in a cold, cold, joints it is using the name John will also be water in your mouth

Lahore (Daily Pakistan Online) general Pakistan People khjurpyary Prophet ?ky favorite use in relation to food, but its benefits are not very much aware, full of glucose is also healthy dried fruits in winter is extremely useful and plays a very important role in keeping the body warm. if you are prone to allergies and flu, you should use the mandatory date. Foreign news agency, according to Al Arabiya News have offered eight dates that benefits the health issues that you will be forced to eat in the winter dates
1 - body heat.
Palm is considered a good source of fiber, iron, kylsyym, vitamins and mygnysyym and all factors that help keep the human body warm in winter.
2 - The effect of cold and flu remedy

If you have the flu the effects of frost as two to three dates, two small cardamom and take some time to boil, put in a few pieces of red pepper to the hot water and then investigated by bedtime it Beverage use.
3 - Treatment of asthma
The palm is also possible to treat asthma and other respiratory-related allergies which is one of the common problems common throughout the winter season. For this purpose, it should be eaten once or twice daily, morning and evening grain embargo dates.
4 - give strength to body
The palm natural sugars helps to provide immediate energy to the human body.
5 - Treatment of constipation
Since dates are rich in fiber, so take it piece by soaking in water overnight in the morning they Blender and admiring her work. This will prove very useful in the treatment of constipation.
6 - Heart Health Protection
Given the abundance of palm fibers to protect the health of the heart. The heartbeat speed is moderation and control. It also prevents any risks of heart attacks.
7 - reduction in arthritis
The pain palm person's joints and reduce pain, swelling is especially in winter when it is spread widely.
8 - to reduce high blood pressure
Mygnysyym dates and potassium are naturally present in factor for reducing high blood pressure. Therefore daily from 5 to 6 dates are advised to eat.
